Franciscan-at-Home is a NEW state of the art online Catholic education program for adults, and is now available to all our parishioners at any time. For Catechists, Parents, Lay Ministers of every sort!
Click on the picture above or go to
and create an account. Select our diocese (Diocese of Lake Charles) and parish (Immaculate Conception Catholic Church), and you will automatically gain access.
Have you been searching for ways to enrich your marriage and family life? Are you looking to meet other couples within our parish who are striving for holiness?
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is looking for married couples to accompany other couples through the Together in Holiness Formation series: Year-round marriage enrichment that equips spouses with the formation, encouragement, support, and practical tools to grow together in holiness and form their children in the Catholic faith.
Sign up and get involved >>Together in Holiness
For more information, contact Paula Hunter at [email protected].
Immaculate Conception will have Youth Mass the first Sunday of every month at 11:00AM. Youth (Grades 6-12th) are encouraged to read, usher, or greet at this Mass.
If your child would like to volunteer for a Youth Mass, and get reminders about sign ups in the future, please text @iccyouthma to 81010 to join the ICC Youth Mass remind group or complete the volunteer form located on the church website here:
Click on the button to sign up or use the QR code.